
Pameo is a growing digital agency company that drives each other to achieve a better version of ourselves.

Pameo will emerge as the new reputable player in the creative industry in Indonesia, especially among those who usually serve NGOs. Pameo should be known for our ability to connect NGOs and government entities with their audiences effectively through graphic design projects. We will achieve this by specializing our service offerings, building strong client relationships, and positioning ourselves as a value-driven, rather than price-driven, partner.

We’re looking for young changemakers who seek a place to develop and to help other changemakers in creating impact.

Nilai-nilai yang kami utamakan

Growth Mindset

Selalu belajar dan berusaha untuk menjadi diri yang lebih baik, membantu orang lain untuk berkembang

Respect and Honesty

Jujur, peduli, dan terbuka dalam memberikan dan menerima umpan balik

Helpful and Collaborative

Bersedia berkolaborasi dan saling membantu dalam mengatasi kesulitan

Curious Creativity

Selalu menggunakan dan menguji metode terbaik dalam proses kreatif

Lowongan Pekerjaan

Full Time


Deadline: Mei 24, 2024